Issues 83:
Indigenous Health
Culture and Country:
Improving Aboriginal Health
Jan Ferguson, Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre
Work at the Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre is informed by the importance of ownership and control to Aboriginal people, and their culture of “country”.
Improving Health in East Arnhem Land
Eddie Mulholland, Miwatj Health Aboriginal Corporation
Why do health problems seem so difficult when it comes to Aboriginal health? Listening and asking the right questions can be part of the solution.
Closing the Life Expectancy Gap
Yuejen Zhao and Rosalyn Malyon,Department of Health and Community Services, Northern Territory
Why is there a difference in the life expectancies of indigenous and non-indigenous Australians, and how can this life expectancy gap be eliminated.
Cultural and Historical Factors in Aboriginal Women’s Sexual Health
Janelle Trees, South-East Sydney and Illawarra Area Health Service, New South Wales
Understanding the culture and history of Aboriginal women in Australia throws light on their unique relationship with and attitudes to the medical profession.
Pharmaceutical Supply and Storage in Remote Indigenous Communities
Chris Thompson and Kym Thomas, Spencer Gulf Rural Health School, South Australia
There is a stark contrast between a visit to the doctor by a person of European descent and by an indigenous Australian from a remote community.
Ultra-Broadband Internet Use in Critical Care
Patrick Cregan, Sydney West Area Health Service, Penrith, NSW
Ultra-broadband technology has critical health applications in remote locations.
Remote Medical Service beyond Traditional Models
Carmen Morgan, Silver Chain Nursing Association, Western Australia
A trial primary health care service to a remote Western Australian community showed positive outcomes for both patients and other remote health teams.
Freight and Health in Remote Indigenous Communities
Ian Lovell, Cold Chain Logistics Consultant
The role of the food supply chain in the health and well-being of remote indigenous communities is often overlooked. Ian Lovell describes this situation in terms of supply chain performance and what needs to be done to improve it.
Indigenous Knowledge and Students Neglected by Science
Diana Day, Koori Centre, University of Sydney, and CRC for Irrigation Futures
Universities need to be more committed to attracting Indigenous students to science and incorporating Indigenous knowledge in curricula.
Outback Medicine
Jacinta Spry, Australian National University; and Claire Seiffert, Flinders University
Two young women share their experiences as medical students in the Northern Territory.
Tackling Depression in Deadly Style
Julie Foster, beyondblue: the national depression initiative
A unique team of artists has been promoting self-expression through movement, music and art in Aboriginal communities around Australia.
The Royal Flying Doctor Service: A Ripple Effect in Remote Mental Health
Elissa Roberts, Royal Flying Doctor Service, Queensland Section
The Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) has introduced an indigenous program with the aim of improving social and emotional well-being services for Cape York communities.
Australia 2020: The “National Conversation”
Submissions on rural, remote and indigenous health from the Australia 2020 “national conversation”, a continuation of the Federal government’s 2020 Summit in April.