Issues 90, March 2010
Quarantine and Biosecurity:
An Entomologist’s Perspective
Max Whitten
Biosecurity helps us control what we let into Australia and what we keep out. Getting the balance right requires constant vigilance. Dung beetles, honeybees and biocontrol agents show us why.
The Beale Review of Biosecurity
In September 2008, an independent panel of experts chaired by Roger Beale provided its review of Australia’s quarantine and biosecurity arrangements to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. The opening chapter of the review sets the scene.
Bioterrorism Being Prepared
But Not Paralysed
David Durrheim
Vast human migration, environmental disruption and trade have seen the recent emergence of many novel natural biological threats. Prevailing political, economic and ideological factors have increased the risk of unnatural microbiological events bioterrorism.
Converging Technologies for Biosecurity
Greg Tegart and Stephen Prowse
The “converging technologies” approach cross-disciplinary linkages with a common goal has a role to play in Australia’s biosecurity capabilities.
Social, Economic and Environmental Drivers of Disease Emergence
Stephen Prowse
The emergence of new diseases and re-emergence of known diseases is related to a complex matrix of social, economic and environmental factors. Difficulties predicting the next disease outbreak mean we need to have the skills and agility to respond to the unexpected.
Emerging Diseases:
Where Are We Now?
Brian Jones
Two members of a 2004 think tank look back to see how Australia has responded since this meeting to the ever-increasing risks from emerging diseases, in particular to aquaculture.
Statistics and Biosecurity
David R. Fox
The “risk” and “results” perspectives of biosurveillance rely on maths, probability and statistics.
“Plant Doctors” a Global Prescription
for Plant Pests
Sarah Wilson
Plant pests and diseases are on the move, and they are not respecting national borders. CABI’s Global Plant Clinic, through its partners and community-based plant clinics, has been helping to map their global spread.
Myth-Busting Cane Toads in Australia
Robert J. Capon
Undeterred by physical and biological control strategies, can cane toads be halted by chemical ecology?
Biosecurity Defends Key Rural Industry
Catherine Norwood
Australian researchers are studying genetic codes to learn how insects like the lesser grain borer are developing resistance to the world’s most widely used grain fumigant phosphine.
Progress in Ship Ballast Water Treatment
Gustaaf Hallegraeff
A number of promising ballast water treatment systems that aim to eliminate the risk of translocating harmful marine phytoplankton, zooplankton and bacteria are in various stages of national or international certification.