Issues 81, December 2007:
Obesity in the News
Catriona Bonfiglioli, NSW Centre for Overweight and Obesity, School of Public Health, University of Sydney
Obesity is big news, but are the important health messages getting through?
Catriona Bonfiglioli explains the causes and effects of media coverage of obesity.
Thirty Years of “Life. Be in it.”
Colin Benjamin, Director General, “Life. Be in it.” International; and Dr Jane Shelton, Chief Executive Officer, “Life. Be in it.” International
Two members of the international organisation reflect on 30 years of the successful “Life. Be in it.” campaign.
Exercise Beats Obesity
Simon Grose, Journalist, Canberra Times
Research indicates that lack of exercise is a better predictor of disease than obesity.
Eating Disorders and Excessive Exercise
Natasha Jeremiejczyk, Education Officer, Eating Disorders Foundation of Victoria
Teachers and schools are in a unique position to identify, intervene and support students at risk of and suffering from eating disorders and compulsive exercise.
Kids: Gluttons or Sloths?
Tim Olds, School of Health Sciences, University of South Australia
Kids are getting fatter, but what they eat may not be to blame. Timothy Olds analyses trends in children’s diets and activity patterns.
What Do Teenagers Eat?
Abbie MacFarlane, Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition Research, Deakin University
A better understanding of adolescents’ eating habits, and influences on them, will help public health professionals develop more effective health and nutrition programs for teenagers.
The Food Dude Healthy Eating Programme
Bangor University, UK
The popularity and success of the Food Dude Programme is all about superheroes and regular tasting of new foods.
Body Mass Index
Better Health Channel
The Better Health Channel discusses body mass index and body fat distribution as predictors of health risk.
Finding Facts in Fad Diets
Shane Bilsborough, Nutritionist
Shane Bilsborough explains the fact and fiction of four popularised diets.
Ask Your Pharmacist (about Weight Loss)?
Stuart Adams, Nutritionist
Stuart Adams takes a critical look at the role of the pharmacist as a source of reliable advice regarding weight management.
The Science of Weight Loss
Amanda Sainsbury-Salis, Senior Research Fellow, Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Are you struggling to lose weight or keep it off? Dr Amanda Sainsbury-Salis brings fresh scientific insights to help you put an end to the struggle.
Nutrition and Digestion: Is Vegetarianism Appropriate?
Chris Kummer, Naturopath and teacher
Inadequate nutrition and diet are implicated in many modern diseases. Chris Kummer explains how the digestive system can inform dietary choices, including vegetarianism.
Mood Foods
Lucinda Dobson, Executive Officer, Public Health Nutritionist, Nutrition Australia Victorian Division
Pleasurable foods or meals are often seen as the “enemy” of healthy diets. Lucinda Dobson explains that good fuel and tasty food do not have to be mutually exclusive.
Christmas Eating
Kylie Andrew, Dietitian
December is often a month of indulgence. Kylie Andrew suggests some ways to moderate festive season feasting.