Issues 73
December 2005
An Introduction to Stem Cells
Australian Stem Cell Centre
Stem cells are stirring up great excitement in medical research. What are they and why are scientists so intrigued by them?
The Lockhart Review
Stephen Luntz, Editor, Issues
Stem Cell Science Today
Martin Pera, Monash Institute of Reproduction and Development
Stem cell science is advancing rapidly, but there is a long way to go, and the different forms of research are complementary.
Trial of Stem Cells in Human Bone
Stephen Luntz, Editor, Issues
Science in the (Great?) Cloning Debate
Elizabeth Finkel, author, Stem Cells Controversy on the Frontiers of Science
The potential benefits of therapeutic cloning are so great that it would be unethical not to pursue this line of research.
Future Gazing
Elizabeth Finkel, Science Journalist
To understand the potential of therapeutic cloning, let’s indulge in a little future gazing.
The Debate on Human Cloning and Stem Cells in Australia
Nicholas Tonti-Filippini, Ethicist
The use of embryonic stem cells is fraught with ethical problems and appears to be unnecessary for medical treatments. What is more, the current legislation is drafted in such a way that it may be possible to circumvent some of its most important clauses.
The Nose Knows Stem Cells
Stephen Luntz, Editor, Issues
Searching for a Middle Way on Stem Cells
Reverend Alan Nichols, The Centre for Applied Christian Ethics at Ridley College, Melbourne University
The churches should be showing more flexibility on embryo research as there are reasonable choices beyond the polarised debate we often see.
Beyond the Religious/Scientific Divide
Guy Rundle, Board Member, Arena magazine
Champions of stem cell technology argue that opponents of the practice are simply trading in anti-scientific superstition, but there are good reasons to be wary of new biotechnologies from a social and humanistic perspective.
Stem Cell Science: The Big Ethical Questions
Colin Honey, Stem Cell Ethics Australia
There's more to stem cells than embryos. Regardless of the status of the embryo there are important issues like truthfulness, priorities and public information that are in danger of being overlooked.
The Generation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines
Megan Munsie, Stem Cell Sciences Limited
Embryonic stem cells are created from excess embryos made for IVF treatment. An Australian project to produce and provide new embryonic cell lines has the potential to lead to exciting new scientific developments.
Stem Cells from Cord Blood
Gesine Kogler, University of Dusseldorf
Stem cells from human umbilical cords are being used to treat disease and restore damaged tissue.
Are Stem Cells Required for a Healthy Brain?
Perry Bartlett, Director, Queensland Brain Institute
There is evidence that making new neurons may be very important for the normal
functioning of the brain, raising the prospect of repairing various sorts of brain damage by encouraging stem cells to make more neurons.
How to Find a Stem Cell
Stephen Luntz, Editor, Issues
Stem Cells in the Kidney
Melissa Little, Institute of Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland
With increasing rates of diabetes leading to spiralling levels of chronic renal failure there is much excitement about the potential of stem cells to enable the creation of new kidneys.