New Publisher for Issues
This edition of Issues is the first under the editorial
control of Control Publications since the magazine's acquisition
from ACER Press. We bring an enthusiastic team of experienced
journalists who will ensure that this magazine provides an unrivalled
forum for contemporary public debate.
Control Publications also publishes Australasian Science
Australia's only monthly science magazine for the general public.
Over the past 25 years, Australasian Science has forged
a reputation for reliable, up-to-date information and commentary
on scientific developments.
We are excited by the prospect of bringing our expertise to broaden
the scope of Issues. While continuing to explore environmental topics, we will also pursue a number of wider themes of scientific, medical, legal and political significance.
We trust that this edition of Issues on gene patenting
widens your understanding of this complicated subject. We are
presently working on topics for the next few editions to ensure
that Issues publishes a depth of background and a diversity of opinions on these issues during the next year.
We are living in a time of unprecedented technological and social change. One only has to think of recent public debates over greenhouse gas abatement, stem cell research, genetically modified food, gene ownership, nuclear waste disposal options, and management of infectious disease outbreaks like SARS, bird flu and mad cow disease to realise that Issues is as relevant as ever as
a convenient compendium of information and opinions on the issues
of today - and tomorrow.
We look forward to bringing these and other issues to you.
Guy Nolch