92: September 2010
Hot Politics:
Radioactive Waste in Australia
Politicians are playing football with a human and environmental threat that will last far beyond their limited tenure. A mature, scientifically and procedurally robust and independent examination of radioactive waste management options in Australia is overdue.
Managing Radioactive Waste in Australia
Radioactive waste needs to be safely managed and disposed of. Australia’s approach to radioactive waste management and disposal must ensure that people and the environment are protected.
Capturing Carbon from Waste Gases
Membranes are showing promise as a method of separating carbon dioxide from waste gases, but the uptake of this technology is threatened by lack of industry incentive to cut carbon emissions.
Our Toxic Tellies
Australians love their televisions but how well do we look after them when they die?
“Tyred Landscapes”:
The Challenges of Used Tyres
In search of more waste diversion opportunities, NetWaste has started to investigate what can be done towards solving a problem of the last century and beyond: what to do with used tyres.
Battery Waste and Recycling
Increased battery recycling in Australia will help to conserve non-renewable resources and reduce pollution from landfills.
Lamp Recycling:
The Responsible Thing to Do
Concerns about the disposal of mercury-containing lights in landfill have preceded Australia’s FluoroCycle scheme.
Waste and Industrial Symbiosis
The Kwinana Industrial Area in Western Australia illustrates the opportunities and challenges of by-product and utility synergies.
Sydney’s Putrescible Waste: Problem or Potential?
Sydney is running out of places to put its waste, with putrescible waste posing particular management challenges. This waste should generate electricity, not landfill.
Hospital Waste
The increasing problem of hospital waste has spurred moves to explore barriers to and opportunities for reusing products and recycling, including life cycle assessment.
Reflections on Urban Use of Recycled Water
Recycled water is a valuable urban resource, but indiscriminate use can have serious environmental consequences.
Waste Is a Waste
Through clever recycling of pig waste, the South Australian Research and Development Institute has been able to produce feed for aquaculture, water for irrigation and methane for energy.
Putting the Squeeze on Mining Water
Mining research is finding ways to reduce the water use of a very thirsty industry.
Waste Becomes Art in Regional NSW
NetWaste’s Waste to Art program encourages artists to showcase works made from reused and recycled waste materials.